Ten years of industry experience, professional service.

Personalized Customization, Brand Enhancement, and Unique Charm

With a minimum order of just 20 pieces artificial plants, you can now support customized cartons! This means that whether you are a small business or an emerging brand, you can enjoy the benefits of exclusive customization.

Our customized cartons can be precisely designed to fit the shape and size of your products, ensuring optimal protection during transportation and storage.

We understand that a brand logo is a vital symbol of a company’s image. Therefore, printing your logo on cartons is no longer a challenge. Imagine your products being carefully packed in cartons with your striking logo, making each delivery a powerful brand promotion. This not only enhances the recognizability of your products but also leaves a lasting impression on your customers.

Simply provide us with your logo design, and we will take care of the rest.

Choosing our customized carton service means opting for quality, professionalism, and personalization. We have an experienced design team and advanced production equipment, ensuring that the printing on the cartons is clear, vibrant, and durable. Whether it’s a unique design or complex typography, we can deliver it perfectly.

Don’t hesitate any longer, contact us now to start your brand packaging customization journey!

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High-Definition Product Materials, Effortless Sharing, and Sales Boost

We have specially hired professional photographers and designers to create high-definition images and captivating videos for your artificial plant products.

Our multimedia production team has extensive experience, ensuring the clearest and most realistic presentation of your products. With these high-quality materials, you can quickly share your products on major platforms such as Amazon, eBay, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Statistics show that products using high-definition images and captivating videos see an average increase of 30% in click-through rates and a 20% increase in conversion rates.

Imagine your products appearing in a clear, exquisite, and eye-catching manner on these popular platforms, attracting a significant amount of attention. This will greatly enhance the exposure of your products, stimulate the purchasing desire of potential customers, and ultimately boost your sales performance.

Don’t hesitate any longer. Partner with us now and leverage these powerful resources to embark on your journey to business success!




Providing Professional Artificial Plant Landscape Design Services.


In the field of artificial plant landscape design, we have an exceptional team. Each year, our team members participate in at least one external training session to continually absorb the latest design concepts and technologies, enhancing their professional skills. Whether you are a commercial space owner or an individual with high-quality demands for your living environment, just let us know your requirements—such as the dimensions and desired style of the artificial plant landscape area—and leave the rest to us. Don’t hesitate any longer. Contact us now, and let’s embark on your journey to business success together!






Professional Logistics Services, Effortless Operation, and Efficient Delivery

Regarding logistics and transportation, if you do not yet have a freight forwarder, there’s no need to worry. We possess robust resource integration capabilities and can help you find professional logistics service providers. They will offer safe, convenient, and efficient logistics solutions, significantly saving you time and effort, allowing you to focus entirely on your core business.

If you already have a freight forwarder, please provide us with their contact information. We will spare no effort to ensure that your goods are safely delivered to the warehouse designated by your freight forwarder, making the entire logistics process smooth and worry-free.

Choosing to cooperate with us means choosing professionalism and peace of mind. We look forward to contributing to the growth of your business!




Small Batch Wholesale, Flexible Procurement, and Reduced Inventory Pressure

We have an inventory of artificial plants available for immediate shipment, and we support small batch wholesale orders. This means you no longer need to worry about holding large amounts of stock. You can purchase products flexibly based on your own needs, which minimizes inventory pressure and reduces financial risk. In this way, your inventory pressure is greatly alleviated, financial risk is significantly lowered, and your cash flow is effectively improved.




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